
Crackers that Will Make Your Cheese VERY Happy

Cheese and crackers are the perfect way to start a party. Elevate your next cheese board with these delicious crackers. Your cheese will be happy - and so will your guests!

Wheat Thins are a classic and this holiday version is so much fun. I love the snowflakes! Pairing: Aged Swiss or Gruyere.

These crackers are EXPENSIVE, but totally worth it. For a smaller (and cheaper!) version, try Trader Joe's. Or you can try making your own. Pairing: Lemon Goat Cheese, Gorgonzola Dolce or Cambozola.

Water crackers are my all time favorite and the variety pack is perfect. Their flavor is neutral (but not bland) so they really let the taste of cheese shine. Pairing: Cotswold or blueberry goat cheese. Honestly, any cheese will be great with these!

For those who need a gluten-free cracker, I love Nut Thins. And now they come in a square version enhanced with seeds too. Pairing: Aged Gouda.
And Perfect 10 isn't super shiny like the usual gluten-free options and has more of a traditional cracker taste. Pairing: Sharp cheddar or Wensleydale with Cranberries.

I only buy these if I'm having company because I can eat the whole damn box. The buttery cracker combined with the pretzel is irresistible. Pairing: Aged provolone or Bellavitano Merlot.


This gift box has a really good selection of cheese to go with all these crackers:

What is your favorite cracker?

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