
It's a New Year ~ Discover happiness. Be alive!

We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done,cracks to be patched.Maybe this year, to balance the list,we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...not looking for flaws, but for potential.
~ Ellen Goodman

Happy 2012 everyone!
My theme of the year is Discover happiness. Be alive! I've read so many year in review and resolutions posts I can't help but wonder what 2012 has in store for me. 

But first I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my blog! Last year at this time, I never dreamed I would have finally taken the plunge and started publishing publicly. A special thank you to Brad at Cleveland Food and Brews for convincing me to just do it! Another special thank you to my fellow bloggers who have been so welcoming and helpful as I get my feet wet. While the rumor is that some people out there are crazy competitive and phony, I've been really fortunate to have found a wonderful group of super cool people! I look forward to continuing and expanding these friendships this year.

Next, here's my own list of resolutions! Not to bore you, but to actually write them down this year. Maybe that will increase my chance of following through with them...

1. Actually go to the fabulous gym that I pay a lot of money for! This is my top goal for the year. I'm tired of wasting money and really need to make exercise a habit. Period. I want to not be afraid of a bathing suit by my trip to Vegas in June - Flamingo pool, here I come! Any Lifetime Fitness members out there who want to accomplish this together?

2.Be a better blogger. Because I'm still so new to the blogging world, I'm trying to figure out how blogging fits into my life. I know I'll never be a person to blog daily - I don't have the time or the desire to do that! My goal is two real posts a week.  I also want to not only read more blogs but really engage with my fellow bloggers. Another part of this is to expand my technical knowledge. I'm thinking of switching over to Wordpress because I want more choices and flexibility. Any volunteer tutors out there??  

3. Be more organized. This includes cleaning out the office junk room that may or may not have been on this list for at least 4 years. This room will never actually be my office because it's on the 2nd floor and I don't want to spend my day in a tiny room but it could certainly be put to better use. The basement also needs attention. I vow to purge things I don't need and organize those that I want to save. Do I really NEED 7 muffin pans?

4. Eat more veggies. If you know me, this is likely very surprising to you! I LOVE fruits and veggies and eat a ton of them. I want to eat even less meat because of the environmental and health impacts it causes. The meat I do eat is going to be even more local. I want to explore new ways to make my favorites and continue to add new veggies to the regular rotation. My eggplant chips are a perfect example of finding a way to enjoy a less desirable veggie. Wonder what I can come up with this year?

5. Waste less food. I am weird and LOVE grocery shopping! I buy high quality delicious ingredients. I belong to a CSA. And I throw away food. This has to stop! Not only is it money wasted, but I hate to toss food when so many people struggle to pay their bills and feed their families. I am actually pretty good about using what I buy, but want to reduce waste even further. I can't imagine how many partial loaves of $4.00 a loaf bread and fresh herbs I've wasted.

6. Bake a loaf of yeast bread from scratch. I cook. A lot! But for some reason, I've always been afraid of using yeast. How do I know what the right temperature is? What happens if it doesn't rise? This year I'm going to conquer my fear and try a loaf. Who knows, it just might be fabulous!

7. Eat at Chez Francois. It's just a little too far away to be convenient, but I'm sure it will be worth the drive. I wish I knew about it when I lived in Amherst! I'll wait til the weather is better but I will make the drive.

8. Be nicer. I'm a nice person. Friendly. Cheerful. The works. 
But we all talk shit about people sometimes. Can you believe she went out of the house looking like that?! We all suffer from road rage. Where's my rocket launcher - get off your phone and drive! And we all get so absorbed with our own lives we forget that we are not the center of the universe. I vow to take a step back and put myself in other people's shoes more often. Hold the door. Talk to the people around me instead of Tweeting or checking in. Bite my tongue. Share my knowledge with someone who needs help. Drive more courteously. Include others instead of limiting myself to my usual group. Volunteer. Keep in touch. Make the effort.

9. Try new things. In 2011 that happened a lot and I really enjoyed every new experience. I'm already starting the year off with a much needed new haircut. I plan to continue exploring and taking chances indefinitely. Who wants to stagnate?? I want to stretch and grow. Try out a new nail polish, actually make the recipes I save, practice yoga in public, learn how to use Photoshop,visit a new city. Maybe I'll finally make it to Montreal? Whatever my new adventures turn out to be, I'll be sure to share them with you.

10. Attend my first Dinner in the Dark. This one will be an easy accomplishment for the year - I already have my ticket purchased! January 16th is the big day - stay tuned!

Above all I want to live my life joyfully! It flies by too fast and I want to enjoy every minute. Do you make resolutions? What do you hope to achieve in the new year? Cheers to a happy and healthy new year whatever your plans may be!


  1. You have reachable goals, and now that you actually have a list - make a plan! (It looks like you've started already with DitD! WooHoo! So fun!

    And if you need help purging, let me know. I did that when I moved to CLE. I was amazed at what I have been able to rid my life of. (I think that's a good thing)

    A toast - to rocking 2012!


  2. Great list! Looking forward to Dinner in the Dark on the 16th too!

  3. Thanks so much Tammy - your support means the world to me! If I need a "helpful" (brutal!) friend to help with the purging, I'll be sure to call. Happy New Year to you too!

  4. Fabulous list! I'm so glad I met you this past year and I'm looking forward to watching you achieve these goals in 2012!

  5. Jen - I love the positive tone of your comment!
    I'm so glad I met you and the other bloggers this year. Makes this a whole lot more fun!
