
Foods NOT to Feed Pets

You all KNOW I love food and so does my little bundle of furry love Buffy. 
She is quite the beggar and will eat pretty much ANYTHING! When I first adopted her, I had to do some research to make sure I didn't give her anything that would make her sick. To start the new year off right for all your furry friends, I'm sharing a list of things to never feed them.

1. Chocolate  - this is one most people know about. Also coffee and caffeine in general are bad for our pooches. Dark chocolate is the worst but even white chocolate is bad.

2. Grapes/raisins - this is another one most people know about. Remember to remove the raisins from any treats that are shared.

3. Onions - another no brainer. But don't forget chives and garlic too. If there's a tiny amount in something like spaghetti sauce you don't have to worry as long as it's not a regular treat.

4. Raw yeast dough - the rising action causes problems so always make sure dough is cooked.

5. Nuts - I've heard that nuts are bad for our pets but specifically macadamia nuts and walnuts pose a serious threat. If you can't remember what kind of nuts are bad when feeding your pet, just avoid them all and you won't have to worry.

6. Avocado - this was a big shocker for me. I had no idea this was a problem. The pits and skin are especially dangerous. No guacamole!

7. Ice cream - it's the milk that can cause problems - and candy, especially anything sugar-free that contains Xylitol.
8. Bones, raw meat, fish and eggs, fat, skin - some people swear by a raw diet for their pets. Others feed scraps and trimmings. These items can cause serious problems like choking and bacteria - and aren't worth the risk. Don't feed a raw diet unless you have thoroughly researched them and discussed it with your vet.

9. Tomato and potato plants, raw potatoes, seeds and pits of fruits and rhubarb.

and my personal pet peeve

10. Alcohol - sorry people, it is NOT funny to get your pet drunk! Our pets have the same effects that we do when drinking but all are amplified and can result in death. Save the booze for you and your people friends instead.

For more details, visit the ASPCA site. You can also view a slideshow from WebMD.

And what should you do if your pet accidentally ingests these items? Call the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435, your vet or your local emergency clinic.

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