
Homemade Lemon a Vitamix!

This past Sunday was my annual Tea Party. Every year I tweak the assortment of tasty nibbles, but scones and lemon curd are always a must. When I became the proud owner of a fancy new Vitamix (more on that later!), I knew I wanted to try to make it from scratch!
I've made homemade lemon curd before, but it involves a lot of stirring. Thanks to the magic of the Vitamix, in less than 10 easy minutes, you have more than three pints of lemony goodness to scoop and spoon and spread to your heart's delight.

Made with a few ingredients you likely already have in your fridge and pantry, it's a seemingly fancy treat you can whip up in minutes. Your friends and family will be impressed. (I won't tell them how easy it is if you don't!) And clean up takes all of one minute. This is my kind of cooking!

5 large eggs
½ cup fresh lemon juice (try using one of these - so easy!)
Zest of 3 lemons
1½ cups granulated sugar
⅛ teaspoon salt
½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature
Basically, ust dump everything in and hit the button!

Place eggs, lemon juice, zest, sugar, and salt into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure lid.

If your machine has a soup setting, select that setting. If it doesn't: Select Variable 1. Start machine and slowly increase to its highest speed. Blend for 5 minutes.

Add butter through the lid plug opening and secure lid plug. Blend for 30 seconds at level 3. 
That's it - you're done! Divide into containers and cool. 

These tiny mason jars are adorable and perfect for gifting:

Bernadin Mason Jars

Refrigerate or freeze once cooled completely. 
Look how pretty is looks - it really brightens up any occassion!
And guess what? Your fancy homemade lemon curd makes an AMAZING pie filling! Because the recipe is so easy, you can whip up a luscious lemon pie in minutes. To make your life really simple, buy a premade graham cracker crust. Or if you have a bit more time, get a frozen pie crust. Just bake, fill with lemon curd and decorate. I love raspberries but strawberries or whipped cream are also great choices.
Photo Credit
*Prepared lemon curd can be frozen for up to 1 year. To thaw, place frozen curd in the refrigerator for 24 hours before use. After thawing, store in the refrigerator in a covered airtight container and use within 4 weeks. 

Thank you so much to Vitamix for providing a machine for my use! They recently invited me to an Ascent Series preview event at The Vitamix Store in Solon, Ohio. At the end of the night I was given my very own Vitamix Ascent Series A3500, a Vitamix Cookbook, the Simply Blending "cookbook"spice kit and a culinary class for two at the Vitamix Store. The small containers for the Ascent Series blenders are not yet available, so they graciously loaned me another blender. Thanks to them, I'm able to share this fantastic recipe with you!! As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Head to for the Original Recipe. And stay tuned, next weekend I'm making a spring soup that I'll be sharing with you too!

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