
Life Lessons with Regina Brett for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is one of my favorite months. If I can't have Summer, sandals and the beach, Fall with its colorful leaves, pumpkins, apple cider, Halloween and cozy sweaters is my next favorite season.

But October is great for another reason - it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I'm sure that each and every one of you reading this has been impacted in some way by this disease. I know I have - many relatives and friends have been diagnosed and battled breast cancer.

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I had the chance to meet Regina Brett and hear her speak. She is one of my favorite columnists and I was beyond excited.
Regina is not only an award winning writer, she is a breast cancer survivor. She is truly inspirational. Instead of cancer making her give up, it made her appreciate life even more. Her poignant stories will make you want to laugh and cry and laugh some more.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes from her:
Lesson #21 Note Cards (pk Of 10)

  • No one is in charge of your happiness except you
Lesson #36 Note Cards (pk Of 10)

  • Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
Lesson #16 Note Cards (pk Of 10)
She also stressed the importance doing your monthly breast exam, getting those mammograms and not letting fear stop you.
She signed books and very willingly took photos with all her fans. She even took a selfie with me to post to her Facebook page.
Oct 2015
If you ever get the chance to hear her speak, do it! You will leave a little bit happier. A little bit more appreciative. And with a whole lot of life lessons.

If you purchase the note cards pictured above, all proceeds go towards purchasing wigs for women who have lost their hair due to cancer at HairPeace Wig Salon at The Gathering Place.

You can also heck out her article about How Cleveland Are You and follow Regina on TwitterFacebookInstagram and Pinterest

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