
Mexican Fiesta Bridal Shower

Have you ever been to a Friday night bridal shower? My friend Julie's shower was my first, and hopefully not my last! The Mexican Fiesta themed shower was the perfect way to kick off the weekend. 

The talented bridal party did a great job with the shower... and they're cute too.

But not as cute as these two love birds! 
Instead of a lot of games, we were asked to suggest data night ideas and marriage advice for the couple. My date night idea is one that my hubby and I have been trying to do for years: a picnic at Blossom with the Cleveland Orchestra. At this rate, Julie and Todd will get there before we do!

I wonder if the three cakes are a hint of what we'll be seeing on the big day? I was thrilled to see that one was date/nut. 
The watermelon margaritas were really yummy! There was an alcohol free beverage too...but I didn't pay much attention to that because watermelon is my favorite!
Eat,  drink and be married - you don't know how tempting it was for me to have this as my wedding theme but I figured it would be too cheesy with a blog called Eat Drink Cleveland. Glad Julie's girls put it to good use - love it!

I'm so happy for this girl...

One of my favorite dishes from the night was this delicious corn salad. Julie's Mom made it and was kind enough to share. (blogger fail -  I was too busy gobbling this up so there isn't a picture!  Trust me,  it's gorgeous.) 
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 

Fresh Corn Relish Salad

6 ears fresh corn
1 cup tomatoes, chopped 
1 cup cucumber, chopped
2 green onions, sliced
1 stalk celery, diced

1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. course ground pepper

Boil corn 5 minutes, then rinse in cold water. Set aside until cool enough to handle.

In large bowl, cut corn off the cob and scrape cobs well to remove all corn and juices. Add other veggies and mix to combine.

Mix all dressing ingredients well until the sugar is dissolved. You can place ingredients in a small jar with a tight fitting lid and shake.

Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat. Serve immediately or cover tightly and store in fridge up to 24 hours.

Julie's Mom used balsamic vinegar and while it made the corn brown, it tasted fabulous. 

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