
CLE Adventures: Downtown via Bus

On Monday I started working downtown. What a change from working at home and driving around all day! I'mm really looking forward to being able to take advantage of happy hours, going to Walnut Wednesday and dressing up for work.

The one thing I haven't been looking forward to was the drive.  Having to endure both 480 and 77 during rush hour is not appealing.

My hubby suggested that I try taking the RTA bus.  At 1st I thought he was crazy, but after my friend Sarah and her brother and I did a trial run I realized that this was actually a great option!
We played tourist right along with Sarah's brother James who was here visiting from New Orleans. 
We ran around all over town and visited some favorite spots including Good to Go Cafe for juice,  the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the West Side Market where we got all sorts of yum including delicious buttermilk.
We even tried the spicy head cheese from Dohar's and found it to be surprisingly good!  Anyways, back to the bus...

It's really nice to let someone else do the driving while I sit back and relax.  Crazy drivers?  No problem! Insane traffic? No road rage for me. And if you're nervous about the people who ride the bus, all the ones I encountered have been regular people - nothing too weird or scary.

If you've never tried public transportation, you should! You save on gas money, parking and headaches while helping the environment too. There is a Trip Planner on the RTA website where you can plug in your address and where you want to go and it tells you how to get there. Easy! That and $2.25 exact change each way is all you need. 
Have you ever taken the bus?


  1. Congrats on the new adventure. I wish I could work from downtown Cle as well. I love it there.

    1. Thank you! There's so many new things for me, besides just the job, and I'm really enjoying it. Maybe you'll get your chance one day :)

  2. Hi Crystal. How did you first week go at work? You appear happy with everything and I am very glad for you.

    1. It went great - thanks! It's been an adjustment getting up and out of the house instead of working at home but I like it!

  3. Thanks so much for trying to spread the gospel of public transportation, especially in Cleveland, where people look at you as if you're insane if you don't drive. You are doing your part to prove that riding a bus is not the unthinkable horror so many people who have never done it assume it is. Also, that those of us who ride the bus are not all freaks, creeps or crooks. More power to you!

    1. You are welcome! I was one of the scared people before I took the plunge and tried it. I really like it and think a lot of other people would too, that's why I wanted to blog about it. My friend took Park and Ride from Lake County for years and enjoyed it. Those buses are nicer but even the regular buses are ok. I'll definitely be taking the bus all the time when the weather is snowy!

  4. congrats on the job. I've been a bus rider since I moved here 10 years ago. When the wifebot was at OU for school I took it everywhere. Does it have flaws? yes. Is it still an awesome option yes. I wouldn't pass up the weird stuff on the bus for anything either. lol

    1. Yes, some of the people watching is great! I saw a guy with the hairiest back ever!! If only I could have taken a picture of that one...

  5. Hey Crystal- congrats on the new job, you are going to love working downtown!! Please have lunch with the rosebuds soon- we miss you!!!
    Guess who?

    1. Thank you Janice!! I would love to get together for lunch.
