
Get Out and Walk - National Walking Day

I can't even believe it's April already! I've been married for six (6!) months already, we had our first crocus bloom, and I wore sandals yesterday thanks to the gorgeous 70 temps.

The weather isn't quite as nice today but I'm still totally taking advantage of National Walking Day. Get up off that chair and just do it! 
If you need some easy ways to add more walking to your day, click here. My favorites tricks are taking the stairs and parking further away. 

Walking is my favorite exercise, especially if it's on the beach!
But since I'm not in Florida anymore, a walk around my neighborhood will have to do. Maybe you could squeeze in a walk at lunch? Now that it's staying light out longer, we love to walk after dinner too. If you have a dog, you have a built in adorable excuse to take a stroll. 
Buffy wants EVERY DAY to be National Walking Day!

1 comment

  1. My dog hates this day! haha He doesn't see the point of walking more than once or twice a week (especially when there is a comfy sofa calling his name). Enjoy the arrival of Spring!!!
