
Silver Spoon Awards Party 2013

Let's just start this post off with saying I'm STILL full from last night! 

Thanks to my awesome wedding photographer Lane Baldwin Photography, I won tickets to the 19th Annual Cleveland Magazine Silver Spoon Awards Party. I've always wanted to attend and was beyond thrilled to finally go. In spite of lots of trying-to-get-a-house-sold craziness, I knew this was event not to be missed.

This yummy spread from Whole Foods greeted us as we arrived. After one bite of the English cheddar and chocolate from Sweet Designs we knew we were in for one hell of a delicious night.
Because I wasn't at this event as an official blogger, I was able to just soak in the fun and not worry about who made what and taking a million pictures. But I couldn't resist taking these...
My hands down favorite of the night - holy crap was this delicious!!!!
My awesome date for the night, Elisabeth
Pretty sushi from Zack Bruell
Spoonful of deliciousness from Rocky River Wine Bar
What was left of the cool raw oyster display from Blue Point Grille at the end of the night
Lobster and shrimp roll from Hodge Podge Food Truck
They also had a delicious "Thai Iced Tea" - yum
There were so many delicious choices that we literally got to the point where we would go look at the food and smell it but couldn't put another bite in our mouths. Zack's Brews Coffee, treats from Sweet Melissa and giant cannoli from Mama Roberto's rounded out the night. 

Here's a list of all the featured restaurants from their website - see why I'm still stuffed?!

Do you have your tickets to the Rib Cook-Off and Music Fest yet? If not, click here to enter to win two free tickets.


  1. Yum all of this food looks so good!

  2. I love the raw oyster display! And I was happy to see a pic of Elisabeth! I'm jealous! haha Looks like such a great food event!
