
Countdown: 6 Months

Six months from today, I will become a Mrs.

Wow! When I think of like that, I get all giddy. Lots and lots of planning will come down to two people saying I Do and one hell of a party.

Then the after party. Forever. *swoon*
What's left on my To Do list before we say I Do?

CAKE TASTING! Yes, one of the best things about getting married. Two are scheduled in the next week.

BRIDESMAID DRESSES! Going tonight with 2 of my 3 bridesmaids to look at some dresses.

CEREMONY MUSIC! We have several people we are interviewing and should have this taken care of soon.

LIMOS! Have the numbers. Just need to write the check.

INVITATIONS! We have 2 we like - one a little more feminine than the other. Both are awesome so it's a tough decision.

RINGS! This is another really fun thing. More diamonds ~ yes, please!

I think we're off to a great start. We have to figure out what type of escort cards we are going to have for the reception, finalize centerpieces and other misc. decorating type details. I know the next 6 months is going to fly by so I'm trying to 


  1. Six months! I feel like you just got engaged yesterday! My how time flies when it's yucky and cold out. I'm so happy for you two lovebirds!

  2. So exciting!!! Yesterday was exactly 4 months for us so now its less than 4 months! woohoo!!
    I love seeing how your planning is going and that you are excited for it!
    I'll share with you the idea I'm using for placecards if you need something (it's kind of wine related).
    We haven't done cake tasting but I'm so excited! I think we are waiting til after the marathon :)

  3. Yay!! 6 months will go by FAST!
    And cake tasting is the best part. Enjoy!

  4. Oh my goodness, that is so exciting!! Good luck with everything & congratulations!

  5. exciting! I'm so happy you found your dress and I want to see it!

  6. What a fun post to read! Your excitement really comes through and I can only imagine the fun you're having planning these specifics. However, my absolute favorite part was the line about the after party. It brought a huge smile to my face!

  7. What a fun post to read! Your excitement really comes through and I can only imagine the fun you're having planning these specifics. However, my absolute favorite part was the line about the after party. It brought a huge smile to my face!
