
Spicy Stuffed Pepper Soup

stuffed pepper soup, spicy food, recipes
I made this soup this week and it was so good I wanted to share it. It's one I make in the summer when I don't want to turn on the oven, but it's PERFECT for cold weather too.

Last night I used 3 green bell peppers, 2 poblanos and 2 sweet banana peppers. This would be awesome with hatch green chiles too. I love peppers but if you don't, just use less. I had the last of my summer tomatoes that needed to be used up so I added those too. That's what do great about this recipe, you can tweak it to fit your tastes or what's in your kitchen and it always turns out great!  

I say 6 servings but those are BIG! If you aren't such a pig or if you are serving it with other items, it will go a lot further. The rice always soaks up the broth so save some to add when you reheat it --- if there is any left!

Spicy Stuffed Pepper Soup
recipe image, spicy stuffed pepper soup, soup recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 6
1 lb lean ground beef
1 lb ground turkey
1 large onion, chopped
3-4 c. assorted sweet bell and spicy peppers, chopped 
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
2 15 oz cans chopped tomatoes
1 15 oz can tomato sauce
1 small can Rotel
6-8 c. beef or chicken broth
1 c long grain rice, cooked separately according to directions
salt and pepper to taste
1.Saute peppers, celery, onions and meat until beef is no longer pink.
2.Add garlic, tomatoes, sauce, and rice. Stir well.
3.Add 4 c. broth, stir again. Then gradually add more to achieve the thickness you prefer. (I like mine "soupier" so I use 8 c.)
4.Add seasonings and simmer for at least 20 minutes so flavors can mingle.
5.Serve with crusty Italian bread.

If you have tortilla chips, it's fun to scoop it up with those too. 


  1. Can you clarify about the can of Rotel? I thought it was a brand of canned tomatoes, but I see that the recipe already lists those. Thanks!

  2. Hi Renee! I actually use both, the Rotel and the regular tomatoes. The Rotel has peppers in it, I think jalepenos. You can leave the Rotel out if you want, I just like the extra kick.

  3. Thanks! I just wanted to be sure I was using the right thing- the recipe sounds delicious and we've had regular stuffed peppers one too many times this growing season. We still have bell peppers on the plants and this may be a perfect change of pace.

  4. my husband would love this recipe!

  5. Looks amazing, Crystal! Thanks!

  6. This looks amazing! I'm on this tomorrow!
