
For the Love of Cookies

I am a cookie monster.

I love cookies!  For me, nothing beats a homemade cookie, hot and fresh out of the oven.  I have a strong preference for chewy cookies but really any cookie will do.  Except those artfully decorated frosted sugar cookies - you can keep those.  Normally those are just little disks of sawdust all decked out to hide the fact that they are dry and taste like crap-o-la.  But, if I ever happen upon some of those that actually taste good, I'll gobble them down happily.  I love eating cookies but I really only bake them at Christmas.  It's too dangerous to have them hot and ready to eat at my house. 

So when I found out from Eat Yourself Skinny about a group of food bloggers that were doing a cookie exchange, I was really excited! It was really simple - you get matched up with 3 other bloggers and each of you make a dozen cookies for each person on your list.  I was drooling already!   But these weren't LOCAL bloggers, and you would have to mail the cookies.  Hmmm. Had to think about that one.  This slightly dampened my enthusiasm because: 

1. Dealing with mailing packages at Christmas sucks. 
2. I wouldn't know where my cookies were coming from.  
3. Would they be good? 

It took about 17 seconds for me to cast my doubts aside and join.  I'm officially IN and can't wait!  I thought to myself, seriously - if food bloggers are baking homemade cookies - how bad could they be??  It would certainly be worth any hassle mailing the packages.

So now I need to decide what kind of cookies to make!  My traditional cookies that people beg for are pizzelles but they would likely not fare well in the shipping process. And it needs to be something that won't taste stale or be dried out once it arrives. And even though I HATE Christmas related items being out for sale too early, I've started thinking about shopping for the cute packaging that I'll need to make sure the cookies arrive in style.

Much thanks to Lindsay of Love and Olive Oil and Julie of The Little Kitchen for organizing this.  I'm sure that since there are over 400 of us participating, it has to be quite a task!

If you are a cookie monster too, or if you just want to participate, here's how!

The deadline for registering is Nov. 15th.  
The ship deadline is Dec. 5th.  
And your blog deadline is Dec. 12th.  

Click this link to sign up

And when you tweet about it, use the hashtag #fbcookieswap.

Let the baking begin!

And here are the links for the recipe roundups:
Part 1
Part 2


  1. I would LOVE to do this! But with moving and such this will probably be difficult for me :(

    I can't wait to see what you bake and what you receive!!!

  2. yay! I am doing this too! I can't wait :)

  3. I just signed up to do it! Thanks for the info!

  4. I wonder if we will be matched since we are so close geographically? Glad you guys joined up - I think it going to be great!!
