
Glorious Fall Weekend

After a horribly gloomy, rainy and cold week, this weekend's weather was a real treat!  I'm glad it continued into this week as well.
I took full advantage of it with a lot of time spent outside.  

There was tons of fun....

*Saturday morning at the Shaker Square Farmer's Market

I'm addicted to their bread with carrots in it
mums in every color

Son of a Biscuit - best doggie treats ever!

*Saturday night at Gervasi Winery in N. Canton - if you haven't been there you need to go ASAP!  Absolutely gorgeous, especially with the changing leaves.

gorgeous patio
Sangria was deelish

pizza was ok - nothing to rave about
yep, sat here too

*Pumpkin ice cream at the Big Dipper

*Dinner at Mekong River - the best damn Cambodian place in CLE

*Bonfire - complete with hot dogs, s'mores and vino

*And ate some clams- gotta love a clam bake!

And a little bit not so fun  - but felt great getting chores done...

*Staining the deck - looks new again!

*Cleaning up the flower beds
*Bath time for Buffy - she did NOT love this!

 I really love fall and all the fun things to do - especially when it feels like summer.  I have a lot more on my list before it gets too cold and the snow flies.  

Did someone say pumpkin patch?

What's on your list?

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