
A while back, the nice folks at the Orlando Baking Co. contacted me about their True Grains line of breads. This girl loves bread and local companies so I was excited to participate in their Blogger Review Panel. They sent me their Seed'licious probiotic bread as well as the two new flavors, Purple Wheat Raisin and Honey Grain. All three are made with 100% whole grains - yay! But would they taste good?
The first one I tried was the Seed'licious probiotic bread. I normally love seeds in my bread and I wasn't disappointed. It has a ton of seeds (flax, sunflower, sesame, chia and millet) and a mildly sweet flavor. It's delicious and the fact that it's probiotic is an extra health bonus.
This is exactly the type of bread I like for turkey sandwiches because the seeds give it extra flavor without overpowering the turkey.
Next up was the Honey Grain. It's the softest of the trio with a nice touch of sweetness. I normally only want my PB+J on white bread but this bread is a nice change and not too grainy. This also was good as a toasted cheese sandwich.
I was hesitant about the Purple Wheat Raisin because I normally don't like cinnamon raisin bread because it's too sweet and too cinnamony. I was very surprised to discover that this one was my favorite! The raisins give it sweetness but it's just the right amount. And I figured out that I liked it so much because it doesn't have cinnamon! I assumed it did - duh!

I had to control myself not to eat the whole load toasted with butter in one sitting. It was that good. Other ways I ate this one: ham sandwich, toasted with peanut butter, as grilled cheese with muenster and toasted topped with cream cheese. All were great!
So besides TASTING good, these are good for you too. In fact, all three meet the Cleveland Clinic's Go! Foods! Standards

That means they are low sugar, low sodium, trans fat free and 100% whole grain. The Honey Grain has 24 milligrams of DHA Omega 3 per serving and the Purple Wheat Raisin has the same antioxidants as blueberries thanks to the purple wheat used.

The loaves are slightly smaller than my usual loaves and the bread is a little denser, but overall I really enjoyed the bread. I think you will too. The bread retails for $3.99 per loaf and can be found at Heinen's, Whole Foods, Marc's, Giant Eagle, and more.

* Disclosure: The loaves of bread were provided to me free of charge as a member of their Blogger Review Panel. I was not required to blog about the product but wanted to share my experience with you. As always the opinions expressed are my own. *

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